Что не так с толерантностью?
What is wrong with tolerance
The ideal of religious tolerance has crippling flaws.
The purpose of religious tolerance has always been, and remains, …Read More
Король Макрон
Macron Is Depicted as a King
Macron Is Depicted as a King Amid Protests of ‘Soft Dictatorship’
PARIS — Thousands of protesters in Paris danced, picnicked and railed against Emmanuel Macron …Read More
Разнообразие и корпоративная культура
Why Your Organization Is Not Benefiting From Diversity
And How To Fix It
The best interview advice I ever received was “be yourself.” This simple yet powerful suggestion …Read More
Почему не будет торговой войны США и Китая
Why There Will Be No Trade War Between The U.S. And China
China accounts for nearly half (43.6%) of America’s total trade deficit with the entire world.
The big guns are in Beijing. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, Director of the National Economic Council Larry Kudlow, and …Read More
Как 5 роботов заменили 7 человек в одном швейцарском банке
How Five Robots Replaced Seven Employees at a Swiss Bank
Have seven employees work for three days or use software robots instead?
Have seven employees work for three days or use software robots instead? …Read More
Хоас в Каталонии
An unconstitutional vote on independence turns nasty
The Spanish government’s handling of the Catalans damages Spain’s image
THEY were scenes the Spanish government did not want to see. Across Catalonia …Read More
Новый мировой порядок
Human evolution
A group of people with an amphibious life have evolved traits to match
THE Bajau, a people of the Malay Archipelago, spend …Read More
Монополия против Шахмат
Monopoly v chesst
The problem is that America, the EU and Russia do not quite understand the terms of «winning» and «losing» in the same fashion
TYLER COWEN had an interesting piece in the New York Times over the weekend arguing …Read More
Как Запад может помочь
How the West can help
The turmoil in Ukraine is a chance for the West to prove that it is still a force for good
A MAN goes bankrupt, Ernest Hemingway wrote …Read More