Внутри завода Tesla
Inside Tesla’s Model 3 Factory
If Elon Musk can make this dance of robots and people work, it will change how cars are made.
TOn the Model 3 body line on a Tuesday afternoon in early June …Read More
Технические революции
Tech Revolutions
These Tech Revolutions Are Further Away Than You Think
Blockchain, AR, and the end of Comcast will remain the province of early adopters for a good long while …Read More
Сложная задача колонизации планет
Colonising the galaxy is hard. Why not send bacteria instead?
Seeding alien worlds with terrestrial life is now being discussed
SCIENCE fiction is filled with visions of galactic empires…Read More
Конец ночи
The end of night
An eternal electric day is creeping across the globe, but our brains and bodies cannot cope in a world without darkness
Sound dominated my senses as we left the village of San Pedro de Atacama …Read More
Sloppy researchers beware. A new institute has you in its sights
“WHY most published research findings are false” is not, …Read More
Большой брат
Big Brother’s webcam
Internet snooping
WHO has the world’s biggest collection of internet pornography? …Read More
Сага о золотой лихорадке
Gold rush saga
King, a maker of addictive games, files for an IPO
THE commuter you can see hunched over his smartphone, staring intently …Read More
Кембрийский переломный момент
A Cambrian moment
Cheap and ubiquitous building blocks for digital products and services have caused an explosion in startups. Ludwig Siegele weighs its significance
About 540M Years ago something amazing happened on planet Earth…Read More
Больше никакой работы по дому
You’ll never work at home
Yahoo buys a teenager’s start-up
BIG companies swallow little ones every day. So …Read More