Трам толкает мир прямо в объятия Путина
Trump Pushes the World Right Into Putin’s Hands
Leaders from France to Japan open up to the Russian president as the U.S. goes its own way.
The more U.S. President Donald Trump strains the alliances …Read More
Новый мировой порядок
Human evolution
A group of people with an amphibious life have evolved traits to match
THE Bajau, a people of the Malay Archipelago, spend …Read More
Монополия против Шахмат
Monopoly v chesst
The problem is that America, the EU and Russia do not quite understand the terms of «winning» and «losing» in the same fashion
TYLER COWEN had an interesting piece in the New York Times over the weekend arguing …Read More
Домашний фронт
The home front
The countries where politically connected businessmen are most likely to prosper
NOBODY, apart from Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, knows what …Read More
Американские и российские медиа
Media in America and Russia
Inmates running the asylum — The firms bankruptcy is much more than the story of a partnership gone wrong
A FEW years back, at an international media conference, a Russian reporter …Read More
Как Запад может помочь
How the West can help
The turmoil in Ukraine is a chance for the West to prove that it is still a force for good
A MAN goes bankrupt, Ernest Hemingway wrote …Read More
Приближаясь к войне
Edging closer to war
Armed men seize Crimea’s airports and television tower, before overseeing the election of a new, pro-Russia local government
RUSSIA and Ukraine have edged closer to a military confrontation after …Read More
Почему Сочи «лучшее» место для Зимних Олимпийских Игр
Why Sochi is, ironically, the perfect place for the winter Olympics
It is, ironically, the perfect venue for an event riddled with corruption
SOCHI, a subtropical resort on the Black Sea coast, seems an odd place …Read More
Триумф Путина
The triumph of Vladimir Putin
Successes abroad and the winter Olympics make Russia look strong; but where it matters, it is weak
IN 2008, soon after winning the competition to stage the 2014 winter Olympics …Read More
Сочи или провал
Sochi or bust
The conspicuous dazzle of the games masks a country, and a president, in deepening trouble
FEBRUARY 7th sees the opening of the winter Olympics in …Read More