Why homeopathy is nonsense
VISIT any health shop and you are likely to see them: packages of homeopathic remedies …Read More
Кембрийский переломный момент
A Cambrian moment
Cheap and ubiquitous building blocks for digital products and services have caused an explosion in startups. Ludwig Siegele weighs its significance
About 540M Years ago something amazing happened on planet Earth…Read More
Всё ещё умнее
Cleverer still
Geniuses are getting brighter. And at genius levels of IQ, girls are not as far behind boys as they used to be
SCIENCE has few more controversial topics than human intelligence… Read More
Исследование Марса
Mars exploration
Curiosity and Curioser
ATTENDEES at the American Geophysical Union’s autumn meeting in San Francisco were expecting to hear some big news about Mars. Sure enough, they got some — just not the sort they had anticipated. Until expectations were firmly damped down last week, they had thought they would hear about some sort of exciting discovery from Curiosity, the rover NASA landed on Mars this summer. In the event, the big — and, to some, not entirely welcome — announcement was that NASA plans to send Mars a second version of Curiosity to Mars in 2020, at a cost of about $1.5 billion.